A Couture Candle Lit Dinner

“A Couture Candle Lit Dinner” cookbook offers low fat, low calorie recipes and pointers on how to make a date unforgettable that any woman into fashion will love. Why take her out to restaurant that may not have an entrĂ©e that she allows herself to eat due to the fact that she has to keep her figure right when you can make it a romantic night in by cooking her a healthy meal right in your own kitchen that she is sure to love. Give her the best of both worlds, quality time spent together and the ability to indulge in food she will not have to feel guilty about later.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Let's Face It, The Economy is Draining!

With todays economy becoming worse and worse, people are not spending as much money as they used to. Now is the time to value our consumers, by this we also must engage in value marketing. "Value marketing has become the watchword for many marketers. Rather then offering high quality at a high price, or lesser quality at a lesser price, marketers are looking for ways to offer todays more financially cautious buyers greater value- just the right combination of product quality and good service at a fair price." ( Kotler. Marketing: An Introduction. Ch 3. Pg. 78) Understanding that couples would still like to enjoy themselves and live lavishly, we're offering our cookbook at a great price of $19.99. Who says you too can't cook like Bobby Flay or Mario Batali, all it takes is a little guidance, and guidance is what you're going to get!

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