A Couture Candle Lit Dinner

“A Couture Candle Lit Dinner” cookbook offers low fat, low calorie recipes and pointers on how to make a date unforgettable that any woman into fashion will love. Why take her out to restaurant that may not have an entrĂ©e that she allows herself to eat due to the fact that she has to keep her figure right when you can make it a romantic night in by cooking her a healthy meal right in your own kitchen that she is sure to love. Give her the best of both worlds, quality time spent together and the ability to indulge in food she will not have to feel guilty about later.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Its Not As Easy As It Seems...

Research, research, research! It must be done in able to figure out what the consumers are interested in. "Customer insight groups collect customer and market information from a wide variety of sources- ranging from traditional marketing research studies to mingling with and observing consumers to monitoring consumer online conversations about the company and its products. Then they use the marketing information to develop important customer insights from which the company can create more value for its customers." (Kotler. Marketing: An Introduction. Ch.4. Pg. 97) All products have potential value but it takes for a customer to really enjoy it, for that product to succeed. Why produce random products when you can do research and see what the consumers really want. "A Couture Candle Lit Dinner" acts as a handguide in creating many romantic nights with your loved one. She will soon admire your attentiveness to detail and drive to let her know she is valued.

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